A workshop wonder: The Hidden Gems of AnyLogic

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Benjamin Schumann knows AnyLogic simulation modeling well. In this blog post and video, you can learn efficient and productive skills to help with your simulation modeling.

Getting to know the software while working through his doctoral thesis, Benjamin developed a deep knowledge of AnyLogic modeling and simulation. This knowledge, full of insightful tips, tricks, and practices, has since been put to work in the world of business.

In the video, Benjamin uses his experience in aerospace asset management, healthcare modelling and consumer goods analytics to explore the multiple abilities of AnyLogic simulation software. Referring to the software as being something like an iceberg – beginners start quickly with drag-and-drop and can go on to discover layer after layer of functionality as they refine their skills.

The video, taken from an AnyLogic Conference 2016 workshop, has something for everyone using AnyLogic, with tips for beginners, advanced users, and professionals alike. As the video progresses, a model is constructed live with the workshop audience and the useful insights are pointed out as it they are put to use. After completing three modeling phases, the result allows the simulation of the workshop attendees themselves.

Watch the video and take your simulation modeling skills to the next level. AnyLogic is available free for personal learning.

The Hidden Gems of AnyLogic

⭐ If you liked this video, check out the AnyLogic YouTube channel, there are how-to videos, webinars, and many others, exploring all different aspects of AnyLogic Simulation modeling.

⚡ Benjamin Schumann also keeps a blog on his website — Simulation 101 — where he shares further insights and explores all things simulation.

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