WinterSim Conference 2014 - Great Success!

Last week, a dedicated community of simulation and modeling advocates and experts gathered at WinterSim 2014, in beautiful Savannah, GA. The Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) is the premier international forum for disseminating recent advances in the field of system simulation. In addition to a technical program of unsurpassed scope and quality, WSC provides the central meeting place for simulation practitioners, researchers, and vendors working in all disciplines in industry, service, government, military and academic sectors (, 2014).

AnyLogic received a tremendous welcome from the WSC community at our two hour Vendor workshop on Sunday December 7th. Sixty plus joined Nikolay Churkov, Head of Development and Tom Baggio, Sr. Solutions Architect to learn more about our newest version, 7.1 and the relevant GIS capabilities.

WinterSim Conference 2014 - Great Success!

The week's excitement continued at the booth where we were visited by commercial and academic customers, prospective customers, and even other software vendors, all amazed by AnyLogic's newest developments. The global leadership AnyLogic exhibits is clear in our continued growth and increased contribution of WSC presentations from the academic and commercial world.

WinterSim Conference 2014 - Great Success!

The complex projects showcased at WSC 14 utilizing AnyLogic are a tribute to AnyLogic's flexibility, multimethod platform, and persistently advancing technology. Why do so many choose AnyLogic?

"Arguably, one of the major factors in recent years which has contributed to the growth of hybrid modeling has been the increasing popularity of the software tool Anylogic ( This is really the first tool which has started from an "agnostic" basis and allows the user to use DES, ABM and system dynamics (SD) all within the same environment." – Sally C. Brailsford, University of Southampton

"...the depiction of health care processes within the ABM required custom mechanisms (AnyLogic) to capture resource dependencies and patient flow effects that were capable of crisper and more transparent articulation in a discrete event context." – Canadian Centre for Health & Safety in Agriculture

"The simulation software had to be able to combine system dynamics simulations with an event management system, including libraries and allowing manual programming. Conditional programming, a continuous time system with support of distribution functions, a discrete event management and the possibility for sensitivity analysis and monte carlo experiments was required for simulation. Covering all of these requirements, the software multi-method tool AnyLogic was used for simulation. The data, which are used by the simulation model, are real-world data of each actor and contains the import container flow for hinterland transportation by rail." – Technical University of Darmstadt

The published papers and presentations from WSC 2014 will be available shortly on In the meantime you can visit, then click on program and search. We look forward to seeing you next year in Huntington Beach, CA for WinterSim Conference 2015!

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