AnyLogic 7 in Three Days
, the practical book on AnyLogic 7 from AnyLogic developers, is now available for FREE in Japanese! The book is written by Ilya Grigoryev, Head of Training at AnyLogic and the author of AnyLogic training courses. The book is designed for self-education or university environment and might be considered as the first learning guide to AnyLogic software.
The book is structured around four examples from different areas, where simulation modeling could be implemented: manufacturing, healthcare, marketing research and pedestrian flows. Being practice-oriented, the book also contains some theory behind all four application areas. The book is available in Portuguese, Chinese and English.
To use the models presented in the book, we highly recommend to download FREE Personal Learning Edition (PLE) of AnyLogic software. Download the book and learn how to model with AnyLogic!