AnyLogic 7 in Three Days
, the first practical textbook on AnyLogic 7 from AnyLogic developers, is now available in Portuguese through Amazon.com. The book is written by Ilya Grigoryev, Head of Training at AnyLogic and the author of AnyLogic documentation and AnyLogic training courses. Consider this, your first step in learning AnyLogic software.
The book is structured around three examples: a consumer market model, an epidemiology model, and an airport model. Some theory behind all three modeling methods is also provided in the book. Through reading the book and completing the exercises, you will create models of pedestrians and discrete events using business process flowcharts, draw diagrams of stock and flow, and build agent-based models.
You'll find AnyLogic 7 in Three Days to be the perfect accompaniment to the FREE Personal Learning Edition (PLE) of AnyLogic software. Whether you are a commercial user, student, or professor teaching AnyLogic in the classroom, let this be your guide.