Academic articles

A Complex Systems Modelling Approach for Decentralized Simulation of Electrical Microgrids

The structure and behavior of Electrical Grids share many of the properties of Complex Computer Systems, with microgrids and other decentralized electrical systems attached to them, so they can be interpreted as Systems of Systems. Furthermore, the evolution of the future electrical system will bring a higher degree of decentralization concerning specially production and control. To deal with this paradigm change, new models and tools are necessary. In this paper a model of an electrical microgrid is presented.

An Agent-Based Multi-Scale Wind Generation Model

This paper presents an agent-based model for simulating wind power systems on multiple time scales. The aim is to generate a flexible model that allows us to simulate the output of a wind farm. The model is developed using multiparadigm modelling, combining different approaches such as agent-based modelling, discrete events and dynamic systems.

A Generic Operational Simulation for Early Design Civil Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Contemporary aerospace programmes often suffer from large cost overruns, delivery delays and inferior product quality. This is caused in part by poor predictive quality of the early design phase processes with regards to the operational environment of a product. This paper develops the idea of a generic operational simulation that can help designers to rigorously analyse and test their early product concepts. The simulation focusses on civil Unmanned Air Vehicle products and missions to keep the scope of work tractable.

Simulazione discreta con il software AnyLogic. Caratteristiche generali e applicazione ad unostudio oculistico

AnyLogic è un ambiente di modellazione virtuale di sistemi discreti, continui ed ibridi. Con questo strumento è possibile creare prototipi di sistemi durante le fasi di studio, progettazione o sviluppo, attraverso cui esplorare aspetti e dettagli della progettazione o della implementazione dei relativi sistemi in modo semplice e privo di rischi

Utilising dynamic factory simulation to improve unit cost estimation and aid design decisions

Utilising dynamic simulation methods to estimate manufacturing resources, can improve unit cost estimation and aid design decisions. This paper introduces a framework specification that combines Computer Aided Design (CAD), Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP) and Discrete Event Simulation (DES) technologies.

Modeling and simulation of container terminal logistics systems using Harvard architecture and agent-based computing

As the highly complex logistics system, container terminal logistics systems play an increasingly important role in modern international logistics, and therefore their scheduling and decision-making process of much significance to the operation and competitiveness of harbors. In this paper, the handling, stacking and transportation in CTLS are regarded as a kind of generalized computing and compared with the working in general computer systems, whereupon the Harvard architecture and AnyLogic agent-based computing paradigm are fused to model the operational processing of CTLS, and the kernel thoughts in computer organization, architecture and operating system are introduced into CTLS to support and evaluate container terminal planning, scheduling and decision-making.

An integrated pedestrian behavior model based on extended decision field theory and social force model

The integrated pedestrian simulation model proposed in this paper allows us to develop a more realistic simulation of pedestrian behaviors at a shopping mall. In particular, consideration of vision of each individual allows us to mimic physical and psychological interactions among the people and the environment more realistically. Similarly, consideration of extended Decision Field Theory allowed us to represent human decision deliberation process. In addition, consideration of a rich set of attributes for the environment as well as people has allowed us to mimic a real shopping mall environment closely. The constructed simulation using AnyLogic software was utilized to conduct several experiments on performance of the mall and scalability of the proposed model.

Supply chain and hybrid modeling: the Panama Canal operations and it’s salinity diffusion

This paper deals with the simulation modeling of the service supply chain and the salinity and its diffusion in the Panama Canal. An operational supply chain model was created using discrete-event simulation. Once complete, a component based on differential equations was added to the model to investigate the intrusion of salt and the resulting salinity diffusion into the lakes of the canal. This component was implemented in the AnyLogic simulation modeling environment by taking advantage of the concept of hybrid modeling that is embedded in AnyLogic.