Supply chain and hybrid modeling: the Panama Canal operations and it’s salinity diffusion

This paper deals with the simulation modeling of the service supply chain and the salinity and its diffusion in the Panama Canal. An operational supply chain model was created using discrete-event simulation. Once complete, a component based on differential equations was added to the model to investigate the intrusion of salt and the resulting salinity diffusion into the lakes of the canal. This component was implemented in the AnyLogic simulation modeling environment by taking advantage of the concept of hybrid modeling that is embedded in AnyLogic.

This research provides a unique example of applying hybrid modeling to service supply chain organizations. Hybrid modeling can benefit these organizations by providing a mechanism to view the different contributors to complex supply chains and by providing them with a highly accurate prediction capability, which takes into account the internal and external changes taking place.

Supply chain and hybrid modeling: the Panama Canal operations and it's salinity diffusion

Supply chain and hybrid modeling: the Panama Canal operations and it's salinity diffusion

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