The operation of offshore drilling platforms requires a lot of logistics: supply of platforms by platform supply vessels (PSVs), backward transportation of waste in containers and transportation of oil by tankers to export ports. The severe weather conditions of the Arctic Ocean increase the number of possible disruptions that influence the logistic system. The operation of PSVs and tankers has multiple constraints and interactions. An agent-based simulation has been developed in AnyLogic software to support the strategic planning of logistics through to 2042. The presentation discusses the use of the model to determine the required number of vessels and compare different options of crude oil outbound logistic network design.
Strategic Planning with AnyLogic Simulation Software
One of the biggest oil & gas companies is planning to develop a network of 7 drilling platforms in the Arctic Ocean by 2042. During the strategic planning of the logistics the following questions arose: how many supply vessels should be bought and when? Should floating oil storage be rented? What size of onshore supply base should be built? The price of any mistake is very high: purchasing an unnecessary supply vessel can result in a multimillion dollar loss, and a lack of tankers can lead to emergencies on platforms and even oil spills. An agent-based simulation model in AnyLogic software has been developed to support the strategic planning of the logistics.