Modeling and simulation of container terminal logistics systems using Harvard architecture and agent-based computing

As the highly complex logistics system, container terminal logistics systems (CTLS) play an increasingly important role in modern international logistics, and therefore their scheduling and decision-making process of much significance to the operation and competitiveness of harbors. In this paper, the handling, stacking and transportation in CTLS are regarded as a kind of generalized computing and compared with the working in general computer systems, whereupon the Harvard architecture and AnyLogic agent-based computing paradigm are fused to model the operational processing of CTLS, and the kernel thoughts in computer organization, architecture and operating system are introduced into CTLS to support and evaluate container terminal planning, scheduling and decision-making. A new agile, efficient and robust compound modeling and scheduling methodology for CTLS is obtained consequently. Finally a series of singlevessel simulations on handling and transportation are designed, implemented, performed, evaluated and analyzed, which validate the feasibility and creditability of the systematic methodology effectively.Modeling and simulation of container terminal logistics systems using Harvard architecture and agent-based computing

We simulate the container terminal handling and scheduling system on an advanced dynamic simulation platform AnyLogic 6.5.0. AnyLogic is based on Java and the Eclipse framework that make it possess of outstanding open and compatibility, and its script language is Java too, which brings sufficient flexibility and enables the user to capture the complexity and heterogeneity of business, economic and social systems at any desirable level of detail.

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