Electric Vehicles Modelling and Simulations for Long-Haul Logistics

Long-haul trailer operations are a critical part of supply chains in many of the world’s developed economies. In the UK, it is estimated that long-haul logistics contributes around 45% of all greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from road freight.

One way to reduce GHG emissions in this sector is by fitting a battery on the trailer. However, long-haul operations are very energy-intensive and electric vehicles would require batteries of considerable size and weight. Therefore, the dynamics of the trailer’s energy consumption must be considered to evaluate the feasibility and potential benefits of this intervention.

Applying agent-based modelling and simulation (ABMS), this paper aims at analyzing if electrification (e.g., electric vehicle fleet, electric road system, etc.) would help reduce GHG emissions. The research also analyzes necessary reorganizations in the UK’s long haul logistics system.

For the tasks, the researchers created a simulation of electric vehicle operations in logistics and estimated the amount of energy consumed by a tractor unit and a trailer to travel on a particular route.

Electric vehicles modelling and simulations: screenshot

Screenshot of the running model

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