AnyLogic in Three Days: Modeling and Simulation Textbook
Free modeling and simulation book
This is a practical textbook on AnyLogic simulation software from its developers. This simulation book is designed for use in self-education and in university. The book is ideal for studying computer simulation and modeling with the free AnyLogic Personal Learning Edition. It contains simulation theory and educational examples for all three model-building methods: agent-based modeling, discrete event modeling and system dynamics. The freely supplied software gives readers the ability to follow the steps provided in the tutorials and learn simulation by practice.
This modeling and simulation book can be downloaded as a pdf.
Simulation book contents
The core of the book consists of four practical examples, covering all the main software functionality and allowing the users to get to know the basics of modeling and simulation with AnyLogic.
- Manufacturing (job shop model)
- Healthcare (epidemic model)
- Marketing research (consumer choice model)
- Pedestrian simulation (airport model)
This book also gives some simulation theory and illustrates different modeling methods. You can consider this textbook as your first guide for studying AnyLogic and simulation.
About the author
Ilya Grigoryev is Head of Training Services at The AnyLogic Company. He is the author of AnyLogic documentation and AnyLogic training courses. He has given numerous public training sessions in the U.S., Europe, Africa, and Asia. Ilya Grigoryev has been a simulation consultant to several organizations. He has been working at The AnyLogic Company for more than twenty years and has a deep and extensive knowledge of simulation and AnyLogic.
Universities using the textbook in simulation courses
- The United States Military Academy at West Point
- Keio University
- Arizona State University
- Georgia Tech Research Institute
- Tshwane University of Technology
- University of Technology Sydney

Other versions and translations of the book
Russian: AnyLogic за 3 дня: практическое пособие по имитационному моделированию
Portuguese: AnyLogic em Tres Dias: Um curso rapido de modelagem de simulacao
Japanese: AnyLogic in Three Days:3日で学ぶビジネスシミュレーション~
Chinese: The Big Book of Simulation Modeling: 中文案例精选
Korean: AnyLogic 3일 만에 끝내기
Hungarian: AnyLogic 8 Három nap alatt
"A great starter book for newbies to simulation modelling, agent based modelling and AnyLogic. "
"This book has really helped me grasp the basic concepts and ideas I needed to carry out the simulation project."
"I do like your book as it really shortens the learning process for Anylogic!"
"I found the book well written and completing it was fun."