Academic articles

Modeling Country-Scale Electricity Demand Profiles

All over the world, and in particular in Germany, a trend toward a more sustainable electric energy supply including energy efficiency and climate protection can be observed. Simulation models can support these energy transitions by providing beneficial insights for the development of different electricity generation mix strategies in future electric energy systems.

Towards Closed Loop Modeling: Evaluatng The Prospects for Creating Recurrently Regrounded Aggregate Simulation Models Using Particle Filtering

Public health agencies traditionally rely heavily on epidemiological reporting for notifiable disease control, but increasingly apply simulation models for forecasting and to understand intervention tradeoffs. Unfortunately, such models traditionally lack capacity to easily incorporate information from epidemiological data feeds.

Increasing Rail Capacity Utilization in Port of Hamburg by Early Provision of Information for Import Containers

Various actors are involved in hinterland transportation of incoming rail containers along the maritime transport chain. To coordinate each actor’s logistics processes, and therefore to improve utilization of existing transport capacity, the early provision of information, e.g. in form of estimated time of arrival (ETA), is inevitable.

Quantitative Analysis of Bidding Strategies: A Hybrid Agent Based–System Dynamics Approach

Economic slowdown and construction demand shrinkage reduces the profit backlog for construction contractors and bites into their profit margin. The resulting fierce competition for jobs forces construction companies to look for more sophisticated analytical tools to analyze and improve their bidding strategies. For each contractor, bidding strategy is a decision-making process that is driven by the firm’s financial goals with the final objective of maximizing the firm’s gross profit and surpassing the breakeven point. This paper proposes a methodology to model and analyze different bidding strategies with hybrid agent based-system dynamics (ABSD) simulation.

Comparison between Individual-based and Aggregate Models in the context of Tuberculosis Transmission

The desire to better understand the transmission of infectious disease in the real world has motivated the representation of epidemic diffusion in the context of quantitative simulation. In recent decades, both individual-based (such as Agent-Based) models and aggregate models (such as System Dynamics) are widely used in epidemiological modeling. This paper compares the difference between system dynamics models and agent-based models in the context of Tuberculosis (TB) transmission, considering smoking as a risk factor.

Representing Progression and Interactions of Comorbidities in Aggregate and Individual-Based Systems Models

Healthcare simulation models have attracted significant offered important insights in to health policy selection. More complete accounting for the cost and health implications of upstream interventions is hindered by the need to consider impact on, and interactions between, multiple comorbidities. Within this paper, we explore several distinct approaches for representing comorbidities, some of them at the aggregate level, and some of them at the individual level. All of these representations have the virtue of being declarative, in that they allow the user to focus on what is to be characterized, rather than how it is to be implemented. Our exploration suggests that while several aggregate representations of comorbidities are possible, they suffer from a variety of shortcomings, ranging from low fidelity to combinatorial blowup. While individual-level representations impose a heavy performance load, greater difficulties in calibration and less rapid analysis, such representations do offer greater transparency, modifiability, scalability, and modularity, and ease of representing transmission and influence networks. With much to recommend each approach, further research is needed to shed additional light on the tradeoffs and identify situations where one representation is preferable to another.

SILVER: Software in Support of the System Dynamics Modeling Process

While the System Dynamics modeling process can yield invaluable high level insights, it gives rise to a tremendous amount of detail complexity. In the course of their work, modelers must track successive model versions, the motivation for and assumptions underlying particular “what if” scenarios, and the implicit relationships between scenarios, model versions and various external artifacts such as spreadsheets, symbolic mathematics calculations, and external documentation.

The GAP-DRG Model: Simulation of Outpatient Care for Comparison of Different Reimbursement Schemes

In healthcare the reimbursement of medical providers is an important topic and can influence the overall outcome. We present the agent-based healthcare model, which allows a comparison of reimbursement schemes in outpatient care. It models patients and medical providers as agents. In the simulation of healthcare system, patients develop medical problems (i.e., diseases) and a need for medical services. This leads to utilization of medical providers. The reimbursement system receives information on the patients’ visits via its generic interface, which facilitates an easy replacement. We describe the assumptions of the model in detail and show how it makes extensive use of available Austrian routine care data for its parameterization. The model design is optimized for utilizing as much of these data as possible. However, many assumptions have to be simplifications. Further work and detailed comparisons with healthcare data will provide insight on which assumptions are valid descriptions of the real process.

West Nile Virus System Dynamics Investigation In Dallas County, TX

After its first introduction in 1999, West Nile Virus (WNV) has spread very widely along the east coasts of the United States before appearing in Texas where 1792 cases were reported of which 82 were fatal in 2012. The interesting patterns and behavior of the virus and its amplified impact on the county of Dallas drove this work. This paper encompasses a thorough development of a systems dynamics simulation model of virus's infectious behavior and dynamics in Dallas County, TX utilizing historical data collected and the aid of suitable software packages.