Dr. Mark Paich provides examples of Decisio’s success in using AnyLogic and other simulation tools to help executives at large enterprises make major transformation decisions.
In many areas of science, like computer science or electrical engineering, modeling languages have been established, however, this is not the case in the field of discrete processes (Weilkiens 2006). There are two reasons which motivate such a development.
This panel seeks to initiate a discussion within the production system simulation community about a fundamental change in the way we think about, teach, and implement production system simulation. Today, production system simulation, while based on formal simulation languages, is largely an artistic process.
In the industrial engineering community, it’s a well-known adage that focusing on process can help achieve better results. In this second of a series of papers, we’ll focus on the process of simulation testing and outline how improving your testing process can lead to better results for your projects. We’ll consider model building as a software development exercise, and discuss how best practices from the broader software testing community can be applied for process improvement.