Academic articles

Simulation Model of a Multi-Hospital Critical Care Network

A discrete event simulation model was developed for a network of eight major intensive care units (ICUs) as well as high-acuity units (HAUs) in British Columbia, Canada. The simulation model will be used to develop strategies for managing the combined impacts of COVID-19 and seasonal influenza without the need for extensive public health interventions to limit transmission.

A Data-Driven Discrete Event Simulation Model to Improve Emergency Department Logistics

Demands for health care are becoming overwhelming for healthcare systems around the world regarding the availability of resources, particularly in emergency departments (EDs). This paper provides a case study of the Uppsala University Hospital, where a data-driven simulation model was designed to examine the current state of the patient flow and to investigate potential logistics solutions for improving that flow through a novel strategy.

Applying Simulation to Estimate Waiting Times and Optimize the Booking Size for Oversea Transportation Vessels

This study investigates a different source of uncertainty, which is the waiting time for the next vessel that is scheduled on a specific route, connecting two international ports. The aim of this research was to determine the booking size for vessels in oversea delivery to minimize transportation costs. The simulation model and all the respective processes included in the oversea supply chain were developed in AnyLogic with a discrete-event paradigm.

Enhanced Operational Management of Airport Ground Support Equipment for Better Aircraft Turnaround Performance

The aircraft turnaround process consists of "ground handling operations" that are required to set an aircraft ready for its subsequent departure. This work focuses on enhancing the planning and real-time allocation of apron operations that are used to turn around an aircraft between two consecutive flights.