Academic articles

Simulating Prosumer Data Trading: Testing a Blockchain Smart Contract Based Control

A novel data trading approach was presented in this paper – one where trading was controlled by seller preferences. The approach followed the principles of seller’s rights protection and control over the data sharing available in a community of users. A hybrid approach was shown to combine market and technology simulations and enable system developers to test robust future scenarios.

Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation of Multidimensional Impacts of Construction Labor Productivity Factors

Despite numerous attempts to quantify the impacts of factors influencing productivity in the construction industry, such factors are still perceived as static and independent, resulting in unrealistic productivity estimates. Two generic agent-based models were built to simulate the outcomes of a project through varying levels of detail, each investigating a certain set of impacts. Findings proved the accuracy of the proposed comprehensive approach in estimating durations compared to planned durations and to those obtained from the traditional approach.

A Simulation-Optimization Model for Automated Parcel Lockers Network Design in Urban Scenarios in Pamplona (Spain), Zakopane, and Krakow (Poland)

The constant rise of e-commerce coupled with extremely fast deliveries is a significant contributor to saturate city centers’ mobility. To address this issue, the development of a convenient Automated Parcel Lockers (APLs) network improves last-mile distribution by reducing the number of transportation vehicles, the distances driven, and the delivery stops. An agent-based model was implemented in the current paper to forecast parcel demand placed on APLs based on socio-economic factors.

An Agent-Based Simulation Model to Mitigate the Bullwhip Effect via Information Sharing and Risk Pooling

The bullwhip effect, a phenomenon of progressively larger distortion of demands across a supply chain, can cause chaos and disorder with amplified supply and demand misalignment. An agent-based simulation model was developed to evaluate how risk pooling and information sharing between distinct entities in a supply chain can reduce the bullwhip effects. In agent-based paradigm different components of a system were described as agents which interact with each other in an environment.

Simulation-Based Order Management for the Animal Feed Industry

This article presents a simulation model for feed supply networks consisting of a number of customers, retailers, and manufacturers which are agents and placed on Geographic Information System (GIS) map. The simulation model proposed a fuzzy-based decision strategy for customers to decide when to order specific products. The AnyLogic model described a possible decision strategy for retailers to optimize their transport routes by selecting viable manufacturers.

Effect of Real-Time Truck Arrival Information on the Resilience of Slot Management Systems

This paper considers a loading facility that uses Truck Appointment System (TAS) for slot management and faces incoming truck arrival uncertainty due to traffic congestion. The researchers developed an integer mathematical model to represent the adaptive behavior that determines the optimal reschedules by minimizing the average truck waiting time. The model was aimed to emulate the adaptive system. It was created in AnyLogic simulation software based on the conceptual model.

A Simulation-Heuristic Approach to Optimally Design Drone Delivery Systems in Rural Areas

Commercial companies are looking at drones as a viable source of package transportation. Many supply chains have started to experiment with drone delivery systems and simulation modeling helps with such investigations a lot. The developers modeled the drone delivery problem with agent-based simulation and optimized the locations of drone depots and charging stations.

A Software Library for Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation of Active Shooting Events

Active shooting events are, unfortunately, a common situation. To help civilians, first responders, and governments better understand how to deal with these, a model was developed to simulate such incidents. In addition, the Purdue Institute of Homeland Security built a library to make future models simpler to develop.