Academic articles

Investigating Output Accuracy for a Discrete Event Simulation Model and an Agent Based Simulation Model

In this paper, we investigate output accuracy for a Discrete Event Simulation (DES) model and Agent Based Simulation (ABS) model. The purpose of this investigation is to find out which of these simulation techniques is the best one for modelling human reactive behaviour in the retail sector. In order to study the output accuracy in both models, we have carried out a validation experiment in which we compared the results from our simulation models to the performance of a real system. Our experiment was carried out using a large UK department store as a case study.

Dynamic Learning in Human Decision Behavior for Evacuation Scenarios under BDI Framework

A novel approach to represent learning in human decision behavior for evacuation scenarios is proposed under the context of an extended Belief-Desire-Intention framework. In particular, we focus on how a human adjusts his perception process (involving a Bayesian belief network) in Belief Module dynamically against his performance in predicting the environment as part of his decision planning function. To this end, a Q-learning algorithm (reinforcement learning algorithm) is employed and further developed.

Simulating The Effect on The Energy Efficiency of Smart Grid Technologies

The awareness of the greenhousegas effect and rising energy prices lead to initiatives to improve energy efficiency. These initiatives range from micro-generation, energy storage and efficient appliances to controllers with optimization objectives. Although these technologies are promising, their introduction may rise further questions. The implementation of such initiatives may have a severe impact on the electricity infrastructure. If several of these initiatives are introduced in a combined way, it is difficult to analyse their overall impact.

Real Options and System Dynamics Aproach To Model Value of Implementing a Project Specific Dispute Resolution Process in Construction Projects

This paper presents a methodology to study the effect of different resolution strategies on the value of the investment in a project-specific dispute resolution ladder (DRL) using option/real option theories from financial engineering, process centric modeling, and system dynamics methodology.

Hybrid Simulation and Optimization-Based Capacity Planner for Integrated Photovoltaic Generation with Storage Units

Unlike fossil-fueled generation, solar energy resources are geographically distributed and highly intermittent, which makes their direct control difficult and requires storage units. The goal of this research is to develop a flexible capacity planning tool, which will allow us to obtain a most economical mixture of capacities from solar generation as well as storage while meeting reliability requirements against fluctuating demand and weather conditions. The tool is based on hybrid (system dynamics and agent-based models) simulation and meta-heuristic optimization.

Agent-based Modeling and Simulation

Agent-based modeling and simulation (ABMS) is a new approach to modeling systems comprised of autonomous, interacting agents. Computational advances have made possible a growing number of agent-based models across a variety of application domains. Applications range from modeling agent behavior in the stock market, supply chains, and consumer markets, to predicting the spread of epidemics, mitigating the threat of bio-warfare, and understanding the factors that may be responsible for the fall of ancient civilizations.

How to Test Your Models More Effectively: Applying Agile and Automated Techniques to Simulation Testing

In the industrial engineering community, it’s a well-known adage that focusing on process can help achieve better results. In this second of a series of papers, we’ll focus on the process of simulation testing and outline how improving your testing process can lead to better results for your projects. We’ll consider model building as a software development exercise, and discuss how best practices from the broader software testing community can be applied for process improvement.

Autonomic Self-Optimization According to Business Objectives

Current IT related optimization efforts focus on optimizing IT level metrics such as response times, availability, etc. What the business requires is that such IT optimization be carried out so as to optimize business objectives. Such optimization is not a one-time effort as there may be significant changes, (e.g. server failures, sudden increase in the number of users) that may render any existing policy sub-optimal. Such optimization can be led in AnyLogic.