Academic articles

A heuristic approach taking operators’ fatigue into account for the dynamic assignment of workforce to reduce the mean flowtime

In order to cope with the frequent unpredictable changes that may occur in manufacturing systems, and to optimize given performance criteria, the assignment of workers can be decided online in a dynamic manner, whenever the worker is released. Several studies, in the ergonomics literature, have shown that individuals' performances decrease because of their fatigue in work. In manufacturing context, the workers’ fatigue impacts the task durations. Therefore, we propose to solve the online workers assignment problem through a heuristic, which takes this workers' fatigue into consideration, so as to minimize the mean flowtime of jobs.

Integrated Simulation Approach for Assessment of Performance in Construction Projects: a System-of-Systems Framework

This research proposes and tests an integrated framework for bottom-up simulation of performance in construction projects. The proposed framework conceptualizes construction projects as systems-of-systems in which the abstraction and micro-simulation of dynamic behaviors are investigated at the base-level consisting of the following elements: human agents, information, and resources.

Jobsite Logistic Simulation in Mechanized Tunneling

Projects in mechanized tunneling frequently do not reach their targeted production performance. Reasons are often related to an undersized or disturbed supply-chain management of the surface jobsite. Due to the sensitive interaction of production and logistic processes, planning and analyzing the supply-chain is a challenging task.

Utilising dynamic factory simulation to improve unit cost estimation and aid design decisions

Utilising dynamic simulation methods to estimate manufacturing resources, can improve unit cost estimation and aid design decisions. This paper introduces a framework specification that combines Computer Aided Design (CAD), Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP) and Discrete Event Simulation (DES) technologies.

IRS Post-Filing Processes Simulation Modeling: A Comparison of DES with Econometric Microsimulation in Tax Administration

IRS Office of Research Headquarters measures and models taxpayer burden, defined as expenditures of time and money by taxpayers to comply with the federal tax system. In this research activity, IRS created two microsimulation models using econometric techniques to enable the Service to produce annual estimates of taxpayer compliance burden for individual and small business populations. Additionally, a Discrete Event Simulation (DES) model was developed to represent taxpayer activities and IRS administration in postfiling processes.

Modeling S-Class Car Seat Control with AnyLogic — Daimler-Chrysler Modeling Contest

In this paper we give an overview of the car seat model that was developed for Daimler-Chrysler modeling contest in year 2001 and was awarded the 1st prize. We outline the OO UML-RT based modeling approach that was used and the simulation tool AnyLogic that supports it, and discuss their main advantages with respect to automotive area.