
What’s New in AnyLogic 7? Agent-Based Modeling Enhancements

What’s New in AnyLogic 7? Agent-Based Modeling Enhancements

“The Great Merge.” Most likely this is a familiar term, but perhaps you haven’t been able to experience the idea quite yet, or are not familiar with the many benefits “The Great Merge” permits. Let us take a moment to expand upon “The Great Merge,” other Agent-Based modeling enhancements, and what these changes mean for future model building. “The Great Merge,” in summary, is an ultimate unification of agents, entities, resources, pedestrians, trains, etc. and is useful to modelers in a multitude of ways. Read through the following list to familiarize yourself with the new developments.

Why Use Multimethod Modeling?

Why Use Multimethod Modeling?

AnyLogic multimethod or multi-paradigm simulation gives you the opportunity to choose the most efficient method or a combination, in order to best address your problem. Whether you are familiar with one or more modeling paradigms, or new to modeling and simulation, employing multimethod modeling capabilities will enhance business process optimization, strategic planning, forecasting and beyond. Let us first take a look into each paradigm and where they are best utilized, then explain where multimethod modeling fits and how it can improve your modeling process and simulation results.

Agent Based Models Trending at WinterSim 2013

Agent Based Models Trending at WinterSim 2013

Industry leaders are realizing the benefits of Agent Based Modeling with AnyLogic software. In the dynamic and complex market environments of telecommunications, insurance, epidemiology, and healthcare, consumers make choices based on the characteristics of the consumers themselves and other factors that are best captured by the agent based modeling paradigm. Individual-centric data from Customer Relationship Management systems can be used to parameterize the model agents. The number of papers published for WinterSim 2013 using Agent Based Models nearly doubled from that of 2012. See how industry leaders are putting CRM, ERP and other big data to work using Agent Based Models.

Can one make precise forecasts of consumer behavior?

Can one make precise forecasts of consumer behavior?

Many people, who are interested in sales forecasting, are familiar with the book Predictably Irrational by Dan Ariely. The abstract of the book states: “Dan Ariely refutes the common assumption that we behave in fundamentally rational ways. From drinking coffee to losing weight, from buying a car to choosing a romantic partner, we consistently overpay, underestimate, and procrastinate. Yet these misguided behaviors are neither random nor senseless. They're systematic and predictable—making us predictably irrational.” The irrationality of human decisions is the basis of behavioral economics. Predictably Irrational, and many other books, give many examples which argue the idea of consumer rationality. Businesses are irrational too, as they are guided by human beings.

AnyLogic North America Attends Agent-Based Modeling Bootcamp for Health Researchers

AnyLogic North America was to take part in Dr. Nate Osgood’s 3rd Annual Agent-Based Modeling Bootcamp for Health Researchers last week at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, SK, Canada. Dr. Osgood’s platform of choice is AnyLogic for many reasons, not least the graphical nature of the editor, the excellent support offered by The AnyLogic Company, and the software’s multimethod capabilities. The bootcamp was attended by roughly 25 people, most of them academicians, with a high proportion of them interested in epidemiology. However, according to Dr. Osgood, a large proportion of attendees indicated that multimethod modeling was an item of high interest to them, and he adjusted the course content accordingly.

Big Book of AnyLogic has a new chapter

The Big Book of AnyLogic has been recently updated! The chapter "How to build agent based models. Field service example" considers the design process of an agent based model at a very detailed level; from conceptual design to animation and optimization experiments.