
What’s new in AnyLogic 7? Usability Improvements

What’s new in AnyLogic 7? Usability Improvements

For the 2nd edition of the “What’s New in AnyLogic” blog, I would like to share with you one of the main priorities for our development team during their work on the new version. This most exciting advancement is around product usability. The new version contains many upgrades that fundamentally improve the modeling process in AnyLogic software. These enhancements make your everyday modeling easier, with fewer clicks, less typing and less time spent repeating actions. First, we tried to cut down on the amount of code you have to type while building a model. For example, now elements can be chosen by using drop-down lists, which significantly accelerates the workflow. To make a reference in a logical object (for example, Queue or Delay block) to a graphical object (for example, path, node, area), you only need to click on the object in the Graphical Editor. This allows for two quicker and easier ways to set links between elements.

What's New in AnyLogic 7? User Interface

What's New in AnyLogic 7? User Interface

What’s new in AnyLogic 7? You can get a brief overview of all the new features at, or check out our blog posts which will offer an in depth look at individual features. In this blog, you will become familiar with the new User Interface, which even at first glance looks transformed. Continue reading, and see what changes have been made, and why these changes make working in AnyLogic even simpler. The first thing you will notice when you launch AnyLogic 7, after the new logo and graphics, is the renewed positioning of workspace elements. The default settings place palletes on the left side of the screen and properties on the right side while, console and problems tabs are hidden.

AnyLogic System Simulation at the Heart of Gojii

AnyLogic System Simulation at the Heart of Gojii

Gojii, developed by DecisioTech is an advanced analytics solution powered with an AnyLogic simulation engine. The concept behind Gojii is a management strategy tool that helps firms make good inventory policy decisions in the face of uncertain demand. Traditional forecasting is subject to past decisions, product positioning and current actions, often times producing unrealistic results and lacking opportunity cost calculations. Gojii does not replace any part of the operations tool set, but rather changes the mindset from a forecasting, to an opportunity mindset. The unique tool uses a system simulation model to calculate the cost curve at every point in time and allows comprehension of the feedback relationship between supply decisions and the market response over time.

Manufacturing Simulation Model – Live Demonstration

Manufacturing Simulation Model – Live Demonstration

The manufacturing process is complex and can be impacted by many factors: supplies, equipment, factory overhead, management styles, etc. The more variables there are, the greater the possibility of disruption to the smooth operations of an industrial unit. The many factors that influence manufacturing costs and procedures can be analyzed with the use of AnyLogic Simulation and Modeling software. Decisions regarding manufacturing development, optimization, or reorganization can be costly while the potential benefits are often hard to justify prior to implementation. Simulation modeling is widely used in manufacturing for various problems from intermediate process optimization to strategic management. View this live demonstration of an Autoclave Aerated Concrete Factory where application of various storages and equipment pieces are showcased. Andrei Borshchev, CEO of The AnyLogic Company displays the internal components of the models development environment including the building process capabilities, available statistics and the option for 3D animation.

Agent Based Models Trending at WinterSim 2013

Agent Based Models Trending at WinterSim 2013

Industry leaders are realizing the benefits of Agent Based Modeling with AnyLogic software. In the dynamic and complex market environments of telecommunications, insurance, epidemiology, and healthcare, consumers make choices based on the characteristics of the consumers themselves and other factors that are best captured by the agent based modeling paradigm. Individual-centric data from Customer Relationship Management systems can be used to parameterize the model agents. The number of papers published for WinterSim 2013 using Agent Based Models nearly doubled from that of 2012. See how industry leaders are putting CRM, ERP and other big data to work using Agent Based Models.

The Big Book of Simulation Modeling, Multimethod Modeling with AnyLogic 6- Reviews!

The Big Book of Simulation Modeling, Multimethod Modeling with AnyLogic 6- Reviews!

The Big Book of Simulation Modeling reviews are in and the results are outstanding! Requests have been flooding in for the only book that comprehensively presents all three methods, or paradigms, in simulation modeling: Agent Based, System Dynamics, and Discrete Event. By Hamid R. Darabi – “Wonderful!” January 2, 2014 “I bought the book the moment it was online on Amazon. There are a lot of choices you should make during developing a new model and you can learn the consequence of each from the father of AnyLogic. A must read for anyone who is serious about simulation and modeling using AnyLogic.” By Talal3439 - February 11, 2014 “In my opinion AnyLogic is the best simulation platform. If you are using Anylogic, this is the book that you need.” By Amazon Customer – “Excellent!” February 7, 2014 “Excellent book, must-read for AnyLogic computer modeling software users. Covers practical development of lot of models and modelling approaches.”

Healthcare Decision-Support by Hybrid Simulation – Mobile Stroke Units

Healthcare Decision-Support by Hybrid Simulation – Mobile Stroke Units

The University of Erlangen-Nuremburg Computer Networks and Communication Systems group specializes in the simulation of large-scaled complex systems such as healthcare, automotive, industry and energy. One of the latest projects concerned the possibility and location of Mobile Stroke Units (MSU’s) due to the increase of stroke victims in an aging population. A stroke is typically caused by Thrombosis and should be treated with thrombolysis. Stroke causes severe disability and produces high costs for care and rehab if not treated quickly.

AnyLogic North America Announces a 40% Sales Increase in 2013!

AnyLogic North America Announces a 40% Sales Increase in 2013!

The requirement for modeling and simulation across the entire business lifecycle and the ever increasing demand for AnyLogic software is clear. AnyLogic North Americas’ expanded customer base and retention of longtime business partners has laid the foundation for significant improvement as well as tremendous excitement surrounding the newest version, AnyLogic 7. The AnyLogic Company will continue its pursuit of being the superior modeling and simulation tool available to the market by meeting and exceeding their customers’ needs, including complex decision making and problem solving in a variety of industries.